Reward Blueprints: 'We find the reports excellent and look forward to being the subject, one of these days!
Contingent pay is one of the most common people management techniques but there is something of a dearth of high-quality, timely information on the subject. To fill the information gap, has undertaken an in-depth survey on every aspect of contingent pay to find out more about its relevance in today's organisations.
Questions answered by survey:
what types of contingent pay schemes are used
how organisations use contingent pay
the use of ratings and alternatives to ratings
timing of performance and pay reviews
employers' views on the effectiveness of contingent pay schemes
whether or not organisations undertake formal evaluations of the effectiveness of schemes
what kinds of problems employers are experiencing and how these are being overcome
conditions for success in contingent pay scheme design and operation.
Conducted in late 2003 and early 2004, the survey carried out on behalf of subscribers to research reports produced up-to-date and revealing information from senior HR and reward practitioners in 100 organisations - in both private and public sectors - on what is happening to contingent pay in the UK.
For more details see our reviews, published in the 'News' section of 9 March and 21 April 2004 and the 'Features' section 20 May 2004.
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