Pension Trends for Executives in FTSE 350 & SmallCap Companies 2020 **FREE Download**
Pages: 20
Publication date: 2nd March 2021
Price: Free
Format: PDF
In this research, we outline:
- How contribution rates vary across the UK’s three main indices.
- The level of contribution rates paid to the majority of staff in the UK’s largest companies.
- Some of the approaches that individual companies have followed to reduce the pensions of their new and existing directors.
Our data is sourced from over 1,200 annual reports published between September 2017 and 2020 from companies listed on the FTSE 100, mid-250 and SmallCap indices. This data represents information spanning a number of years and covers just over 430 companies that disclosed sufficient pension information for executives over the period.
- The most common method of aligning incumbent director and staff contribution rates is to phase board levels downwards over a number of years in line with investor guidance.
- In 2017, the headline median defined contribution rate in the FTSE 100 was 25% while it was 20% in the mid-250 and 15% for SmallCap firms.
- The corresponding amounts fell consecutively in each of the next few years finishing at 11.5%, 10% and 7.5% respectively by 2020.

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