Reward Strategy Executive Workshop
Course Information


An E-reward Virtual Masterclass with Dr Duncan Brown for Reward Leaders

Level: Senior HR/reward professionals.
Date: 2-3 December 2024.
Location: Your PC via Zoom.
Duration: 2 days: (UK).
Format: Intensive and highly-participative workshop. Includes mix of high-level, confidential discussions. Plus activities and exercises that enable participants to reflect on their current thinking and practice, explore new approaches and plan out their own reward futures. Places are limited to 10 delegates to maximise interaction within the group.
Fees: £950 + VAT per delegate.
Brochure: Click here

‘How can we create a more equitable, collective, compassionate approach to reward and people management more generally after the Covid crisis?’ - Reward and Wellbeing Head, UK plc.
‘Where have all the workers gone?!’ - Hospitality company CEO.
‘Our reward strategy? Deal with the next crisis!’ - HR Director, public sector body.


The pandemic saw major changes in all of our personal lives and transformations in every organisation’s operations and management of their people. It fundamentally shifted our perspective on everything rewards-wise, from sick pay to executive incentives, and from flexible working to corporate wellbeing programmes.

This period post-pandemic has, if anything, been even more changeable and uncertain, politically, economically and management-wise. We continue to be faced with a cost-of-living crisis and growing inwork poverty, yet with continuing widespread labour shortages affecting almost all sectors and occupations, as well as the continued evolution of hybrid working. Health and wellbeing continues to be a major challenge, never mind re-engaging the UK workforce which still shows low productivity and employee engagement levels by historic and international standards.

These changes have placed the HR function in a prominent position, with pay and reward management at the centre of corporate agendas and responses. Reward professionals have become ever more crucial.

A new CIPD research publication, People Expertise on Corporate Boards, highlights the growing strategic focus on people and reward issues. But is the function up to the challenge?

So how should employers, Heads of Reward and HR leaders respond? What reward strategies will you need moving forward to recruit, retain and engage your people so as to simultaneously meet the needs of your business leaders seeking a rapid recovery; an increasingly demanding, diverse and aware employee and future employee population; and the wider social issues and stakeholders pushed into prominence by the pandemic, and their ‘ESG’ concerns of poverty, insecurity and labour market and supply chain exploitation.

E-reward’s intensive workshop is targeted at senior HR and reward colleagues who are responsible for strategic reward issues.

We believe HR, reward, compensation and benefits professionals have generally performed amazingly over recent years, in responding to an unprecedented health crisis and subsequent economic downturn.

Their reward is to emerge into the most disrupted economic, political and social situation and the tightest labour market any of us will have ever experienced – a true ‘cost-talent crunch’ and cost-of-living crisis.

But as Dr Duncan Brown will discuss with you on this executive programme, we need to move on from the crisis-responses and get some strategy. We all have agency here; we all have choices. We need to have the courage to act – to advocate, to invest, to make this happen – if we are not to let the tough learning from these crises go to waste, to see the opportunity taken for a ‘new, new normal’ to emerge in our reward strategies and policies.

Come learn, discuss and debate with other HR and reward leaders how you can make this happen.

Delegates will diagnose and address the most challenging and controversial reward questions with Duncan Brown

- How do we recruit and retain staff in the wake of major labour shortages?

- How well do our rewards reinforce the goals and values and culture of the organisation?

- How fair are our current reward policies? How do we better deliver fairness in the future?

- How do we respond to the cost-of-living crisis?

- Does performance-related pay ‘work’? Should it have an important role in your reward strategy?

- How well do we reward/recognise the contribution of staff at all levels and in all roles?

- Do pay differentials matter and how do you engage the whole of your workforce to perform?

- Are executives paid too much and keyworkers too little?

- How do you close gender, ethnicity and other pay gaps?

- How do you balance considerations of internal equity and fairness with external market rates and demands in one of the tightest labour markets ever?

- Are we seeing a renaissance of employee benefits and if so, how should you respond? How can you afford to respond?

- How well do we support the security, health and wellbeing of our workforce and how can you improve that at an affordable cost?

- How do you adapt your reward package to engage and meet the needs of the different generations and groups in our workforce?


Led by Dr Duncan Brown and benefitting from the latest research findings, the programme is designed to:

- Provide a confidential and expert retreat to review and discuss the challenges surrounding the development and implementation of your reward strategy, in the context of your business strategy and the current economic, social and political context.

- Illustrate how successful reward strategies are developed and delivered in today’s challenging conditions; what should they look like? What priorities do you need to focus on? How do you secure adequate resources in the current climate?

- Discuss the latest trends and developments in pay and reward thinking and practice, profiling both recent academic research in the field and illustrated with topical current case studies


Reward leaders logo

E-reward’s intensive executive programme is targeted at senior HR and reward colleagues who are responsible for strategic reward issues:

  • Reward/Comp & Ben Directors
  • Heads of Reward
  • HR Directors
  • Reward/HR Managers


This executive class will be facilitated by Dr Duncan Brown, an independent reward researcher and adviser, Senior Associate at the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) and Visiting Professor at University of Greenwich. Duncan is a former employee reward practice leader at Willis Towers Watson, PwC and Aon Hewitt, who spent five years as the Deputy CEO at the CIPD.

He is a highly regarded adviser and writer on reward management, including jointly authoring with Michael Armstrong the best-selling Handbook of Reward Management Practice and Reward Strategy. His doctorate was in reward strategy.


‘I want to say thank you for a really interesting and useful training session. The material that Duncan put together and his expertise was fantastic. It has definitely given me some ideas about how to manage reward in my organisation and an understanding of how to look at the bigger picture and strategy to keep it aligned. A huge learning experience for me, thank you for putting this together and thank you to Duncan.’
‘I found the course really helpful and gave me a lot to work with. I’ve attended events with Duncan before and he is really engaging and a great facilitator.
‘Whether you are preparing to form your reward strategy or need to refresh and realign it, this course is a must that will leave you with plenty to consider and inspire to progress.’
‘Very thought provoking and giving a holistic view on reward practices. An interactive masterclass that I would recommend.’
‘If you are procrastinating on developing a coherent approach to reward because of confusion over the questions to ask/pose, this workshop gives you an excellent platform/impetus to take this important issue forward.’
‘A brilliant way of reflecting on and developing your reward strategy and practice.’
‘Really valuable session bringing together loads of thinking in this critical area and lots to go away and think about and put into action.’
‘If you need to gain a deeper and broader understanding of reward strategies and issues then this course is a must.’
‘Great workshop for reward specialists and those with a strategic reward role.’



The context

Economic, political and legislative developments and their implications.
Major rewards trends, their drivers and implications.
The current climate and implications.

What a reward strategy is in the current climate

History of the concept.
The latest research on contemporary HR and reward strategies.
Discussion: Starting the planning, what’s top of my reward agenda?
Relevant reward strategy tools: what needs to be in your reward strategy and your workforce plan?

Case study #1:
  • Reward strategy and changes in a well-known employer.
  • Discussion: the implications for you.


Total rewards management
  • Why do I want to work for you now?
  • Exercise and discussion
The big issues #1: Base pay
  • Rediscovering the value of investing in pay, skills and pay progression
  • Addressing low pay and poverty
  • Does job evaluation have a future?
  • Responding (or not) to market pay pressures
The big issues #2: Performance pay and bonuses
  • Current and shifting patterns of bonus and incentive usage
  • The latest research on effectiveness and ineffectiveness
  • Design: collective, individual or both?
  • Design: financial, non-financials, or all?
  • The growth in collective bonus plans, profit sharing and sharing in success
  • How do you make your incentive strategy work?
  • Experience sharing amongst delegates
The big issues #3: Differentials & executive remuneration
  • The pre-Covid model and its shortcomings
  • Responses to the pandemic
  • Current state, pressures and possible alternative future strategies – the end of LTIPs?
  • Pay ratio reporting, the early experience and learnings
  • Case example and discussion
The big issues #4: Benefits and wellbeing
  • Work, health and wellbeing: the ‘benefits renaissance’
  • Benefits changes: Greater attention to employee’s mental health and financial wellbeing, moving beyond the traditional EAP
  • Benefits changes: More hybrid and shared-risk pension and benefits plans
  • Examples and discussion
The big issues #5: Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • The current situation and impact of the pandemic: recent and likely legislative developments
  • Dealing with diversity and the generations: one strategy or many?
  • The specifics of gender and ethnicity pay gaps: how to use reporting to drive action and reduce and remove the gaps.
  • Discussion and feedback


Employee engagement
  • What’s the current state?
  • How do we re-engage our workforce?
Communicating and managing the reward strategy
  • Employee voice, participation and involvement
  • Latest developments in performance management: to rate or not to rate?
  • Reward governance and control
Case study #2:
  • The pay and reward strategy before, during the pandemic and now in a major employer


  • Recap
  • Action planning
  • Conclusions

Here’s what Duncan says about this progarmme:
‘A big benefit is being forced to step back from daily pressures to think about the key strategic issues of the day and more specifically the lateral integration of reward initiatives with each other and with the rest of the HR strategy – i.e. more than just the vertical alignment with the business strategy. The other aspect course participants have found most beneficial are the discussions on communications and line managers. Comms was seen as part of a wider move to simplify and demystify rewards to build greater transparency and understanding and more clearly see the links between what the business needs, its values and what employees do and how they are rewarded.
Our last set of course participants were all finding in their very different settings that values-based reward and performance management receive far more traction with employees than traditional objective and results-driven rewards. Hence they were using EVP and employee experience concepts more than traditional total rewards thinking.
They also liked the emphasis on using reward strategy to prioritise and focus their activity when they have such huge agendas.’

Reward strategy brochure

Duncan Brown biog photo


This executive class will be facilitated by Dr Duncan Brown, an independent reward researcher and adviser, Senior Associate at the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) and Visiting Professor at University of Greenwich. Duncan is a former employee reward practice leader at Willis Towers Watson, PwC and Aon Hewitt, who spent five years as the Deputy CEO at the CIPD.
He is a highly regarded adviser and writer on reward management, including jointly authoring with Michael Armstrong the best-selling Handbook of Reward Management Practice and Reward Strategy. His doctorate was in reward strategy.


Live streamed via Zoom.



The context

Economic, political and legislative developments and their implications.
Major rewards trends, their drivers and implications.
The current climate and implications.

What a reward strategy is in the current climate

History of the concept.
The latest research on contemporary HR and reward strategies.
Discussion: Starting the planning, what’s top of my reward agenda?
Relevant reward strategy tools: what needs to be in your reward strategy and your workforce plan?

Case study #1:
  • Reward strategy and changes in a well-known employer.
  • Discussion: the implications for you.


Total rewards management
  • Why do I want to work for you now?
  • Exercise and discussion
The big issues #1: Base pay
  • Rediscovering the value of investing in pay, skills and pay progression
  • Addressing low pay and poverty
  • Does job evaluation have a future?
  • Responding (or not) to market pay pressures
The big issues #2: Performance pay and bonuses
  • Current and shifting patterns of bonus and incentive usage
  • The latest research on effectiveness and ineffectiveness
  • Design: collective, individual or both?
  • Design: financial, non-financials, or all?
  • The growth in collective bonus plans, profit sharing and sharing in success
  • How do you make your incentive strategy work?
  • Experience sharing amongst delegates
The big issues #3: Differentials & executive remuneration
  • The pre-Covid model and its shortcomings
  • Responses to the pandemic
  • Current state, pressures and possible alternative future strategies – the end of LTIPs?
  • Pay ratio reporting, the early experience and learnings
  • Case example and discussion
The big issues #4: Benefits and wellbeing
  • Work, health and wellbeing: the ‘benefits renaissance’
  • Benefits changes: Greater attention to employee’s mental health and financial wellbeing, moving beyond the traditional EAP
  • Benefits changes: More hybrid and shared-risk pension and benefits plans
  • Examples and discussion
The big issues #5: Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • The current situation and impact of the pandemic: recent and likely legislative developments
  • Dealing with diversity and the generations: one strategy or many?
  • The specifics of gender and ethnicity pay gaps: how to use reporting to drive action and reduce and remove the gaps.
  • Discussion and feedback


Employee engagement
  • What’s the current state?
  • How do we re-engage our workforce?
Communicating and managing the reward strategy
  • Employee voice, participation and involvement
  • Latest developments in performance management: to rate or not to rate?
  • Reward governance and control
Case study #2:
  • The pay and reward strategy before, during the pandemic and now in a major employer


  • Recap
  • Action planning
  • Conclusions
Virtual classroom 02/12/2024 - 03/12/2024

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Each ticket covers attendance for one person only for the duration of the Course, and includes coffees, teas and light snacks during the lunch hour, as well as course materials.

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Final Course details will be emailed to delegates at least three weeks before the Course.

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Delegates are responsible for their own accommodation.

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The Course programme is correct at the time of going to press. Ltd reserves the right to change the format, tutors, venue location and programme or any other aspect of the Course at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure event, in each case without liability/refund.

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