Without action gender pay gap won’t close until 2069 – Deloitte

Analysis from Deloitte concludes that the UK gender pay gap will not close until 2069 unless action is taken to tackle it now. The research shows that the difference in the hourly pay rate for men and women is closing at a rate of only 2.5 pence a year and that, in certain occupations such as skilled trades and education, it is actually widening.

Significantly, the gap in starting salaries between men and women who have studied science, technology, engineering and maths, and who go on to take jobs in these STEM sectors, is far smaller.

Emma Codd, Managing Partner for talent at Deloitte, says:

‘We know that the pay gap is far smaller for those women starting their careers in STEM related roles; we also know that high-skilled jobs demanding a blend of cognitive, social and technical skills are typically among the most highly-paid.’
Deloitte’s analysis is based on ONS data. For more information, please visit: www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/growth/articles/technology-career-pathways-gender-pay-gap.html