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Vodafone grants share options to 42,000 staff
Vodafone has unveiled one of Europe’ s largest-ever share option plans, according to a report in the Financial Times newspaper.
The mobile phone group has granted share options to more than 42,000 employees in 12 of its international subsidiaries.
Sir Christopher Gent, chief executive of Vodafone, said: We want all employees to think and act like owners and we are therefore extending the share options that we have granted to all of our UK and US employees, to virtually all employees in our subsidiaries around the world.
As we increasingly act and organise ourselves as a single global group with a consistent vision and set of objectives, this move will be critical in ensuring the commitment and motivation of our employees on whose support we depend.
Want to know more?
Title: Vodafone scheme offers Gent 8m shares , by Dan Roberts, Financial Times, 3 July 2001.
Visit the Financial Times web site www.ft.com.
Take a look at this article online . . . http://globalarchive.ft.com/globalarchive/articles.html?id=010703001157
Check out Vodafone’ s web site and read its online press release . . . www.vodafone.com/media/press_releases/994071013.htm