Uplift in pay awards in 2013: XpertHR
The first pay deals struck in 2013 are up slightly on those agreed towards the end of 2012, but this could just be a “beginning of year bounce”, according to the latest data from pay analysts XpertHR.
During both 2011 and 2012 pay awards rose in January but then slipped back down again, a “pattern we may be seeing repeating itself in 2013,” says XpertHR.
Key results
A final word
"For the past two years pay settlements in January have been higher than over the remainder of the year, and it looks like 2013 may follow the same pattern. However, for employees any higher increases are likely to still fall short of the increase in prices." - Sheila Attwood, XpertHR Pay and Benefits editor.
Want to know more?
The research is based on the "largest sample of pay deals" collected in the UK – every year XpertHR collects details of in excess of 1,600 pay settlements. In the latest quarterly analysis it recorded details of 85 pay awards effective in the three months to the end of December 2012. Of these, 77 provide an identifiable increase in the lowest adult rate of pay, and form the sample for the main analysis.
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