Some simple truths about motivation and reward


Some simple truths about motivation and reward

What's absolutely clear is that we now have a pretty good idea about what really motivates staff. But the problem is that all too many of us choose to ignore these simple truths about human motivation and reward, say Duncan Brown, principal consultant at Towers Perrin.

Writing in a recent edition of People Management, Brown suggests there are six essential motivational techniques. The trouble is that in many organisational settings, perhaps because of this complexity, we not only choose to ignore these facts but often manage in a way that directly contradicts them, he says.

1. Set clear, meaningful goals to motivate people.

2. Use a broad range of motivators — both financial and non-financial — in binding people to that goal.

3. Give people realistic, achievable goals.

4. Provide regular feedback on their progress.

5. Cheer them on and provide an environment that makes it easy to succeed.

6. Recognise that strategic success — and motivating people to achieve it — is a long-term business.

Brown concludes with this message: If our organisations paid more attention to these simple truths, they would have a more motivated and committed workforce to power them, and have a lot of enjoyment along the way.

Want to know more?

Title: Rewards on the run , Duncan Brown, People Management, 23 November 2000.

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