Performance management: an e-reward survey

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT is conducting a major survey on current performance management practices

Take part and you could receive a £100 voucher

Complete the survey and you will be automatically entered into the draw. For every 100 completed questionnaires we receive, one will receive a £100 voucher. You can use it towards the purchase of books, DVDs, electronics, software and much more.

We need a few minutes of your time.

So that we can get the most accurate and comprehensive picture possible of how organisations are addressing the issues that performance management raises, your contribution to this survey is vital.

ALL RESPONDENTS WILL BE SENT A COMPLIMENTARY COPY of the 40-page survey findings (price to non-participants: £75).

*** The survey is open to all organisations with more than fifty employees***

Start Survey - please follow the link to begin

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

The survey will close on Friday 21st February 2014.

Thank you in advance for your participation. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:

Yours faithfully,
Paul Thompson,
Managing partner,

We understand the information contained in this survey may be commercially sensitive. Your organisation will not be mentioned by name - replies will only be published in aggregate form and will be treated in strictest confidence.

Names of organisations will only be published as a full list at the back of the report.

Registered name: Limited
Company number: 4281768
Registered office: 33 Denby Lane, Heaton Chapel, Stockport SK4 2RA
Registered in England and Wales