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Pay awards agreed in the three months to the end of May 2017 stood at a median 2%, according to recent data from XpertHR. Half of all pay awards reached in this period were worth between 1.5% and 2.5% and more than a quarter of awards were for 2%, with wage settlements in the manufacturing and production sectors running at the same 2% level as those in services.
Almost half of awards in the quarter to the end of May were at a higher level than the same group of employees received in 2016, with less than a third being at a lower level. Only 4.5% of pay reviews resulted in a pay freeze.
Sheila Attwood, XpertHR pay and benefits editor, said:
‘Despite some positive signs on pay awards over the last rolling quarter, such is the prevalence of the 2% pay award that we would need a considerable number of higher (or lower) pay awards to pull off a shift in the median from this level.’