New worldwide quality of living survey for 2003


New worldwide quality of living survey for 2003

Mercer Human Resource Consulting has released its latest annual survey to help multinational companies assess international hardship allowances for their expatriate workers.

According to the figures gathered by Mercer, Zurich still has the best "quality of life", with 106.5 points. Cities in Europe, Australia and New Zealand continue to dominate the top of the table.

Meanwhile, the world's least appealing city remains Brazzaville in Congo. Other poor-scoring cities for overall quality of life include Bangui in the Central African Republic, Baghdad and Pointe Noire in Congo.

Want to know more?

Title: Worldwide Quality of Life Survey, published by Mercer Human Resource Consulting.

Methodology: This annual survey ranks more than 200 cities using 39 quality of life criteria. These include political, economic, social and environmental factors, together with safety, transport and other public services.

To read the Mercer press release online visit

Availability: Individual reports are produced for each city surveyed, but there is no overall summary report available. Further information and copies of the reports are available from client services, Mercer global information services, tel: +41 22 869 3000. Also, visit the Mercer web site on

Mercer Human Resource Consulting "helps organisations create measurable business results through their people". It has more than 13,000 employees in 40 countries worldwide.

Posted 17 March 2003