New survey on labour turnover


New survey on labour turnover

The latest labour turnover survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development estimates that replacing a manager is likely to cost on average £5,699.

The average cost of labour turnover per employee in 2001 was £3,462.

These turnover costs are broken down as follows:

  • Leaving: payroll and personnel administration of leaver.

  • Replacement: recruitment, interview time and placement fees.

  • Transition: training costs and reduced performance while learning and during induction.

  • Indirect: loss in customer service/satisfaction.

Key survey findings

Among the main findings of the CIPD survey are:

  • Turnover rates: Labour turnover for all employees stood at 18.2% in 2001, well down on the 26.6% recorded in the previous year.

  • Occupational groups: Sales staff had the highest turnover rate, at 23.9%, compared with 12% for managers.

  • Industrial sectors: The highest turnover rate was found in the wholesale and retail trade, at 32.8%, followed by the IT industry (28.5%) and hotels, restaurants and leisure (25.0%).

Want to know more?

Title: Labour Turnover 2002, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Methodology: The survey questionnaire was sent to 10,000 personnel professionals in the private and public sectors during June 2002.

Sample size: A total of 538 organisations with a combined workforce of 795,239 employees responded to this eighth annual CIPD survey.

Availability: A copy of the survey can be downloaded from

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has over 110,000 members and is the UK's leading professional body for those involved in the management and development of people.