New online pay checker unveiled
PayWizard is a new free service, launched by the Trades Union Congress and pay analysts Incomes Data Services (IDS), letting you compare your earnings against what other people receive for doing similar jobs.
Employees can also find out what they could earn in other careers, and uncover regional differentials. is part of an international project and the first of its kind.
Unions and leading academics in a number of countries are working together to create a series of national online pay checkers. In order to do this, they are gathering pay data through an anonymous salary survey that lets people enter their own details about their job and pay. The data collected will be used to compare pay and conditions in the UK and worldwide.
Want to know more? is part of an international research network. The project started four years ago in the Netherlands as a tool set up by the FNV trade union and the University of Amsterdam to help women compare their earnings with those of men doing similar work.
It has since grown into a free service available to, and used by, people in all manner of jobs. With EU funding, the network now encompasses seven other European countries -- Germany, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and Italy -- and has already launched in India and China.
New projects are underway in Russia, USA, Brazil and South Africa. The system in each country is the same. Together, a national trade union organisation and a research institute set up and maintain a web site.
In the UK, the partners are the TUC -- -- and Incomes Data Services -- -- one of the UK’ s leading employment research organisations.
PayWizards in other countries can be found at
Posted 21 January 2005