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New guide to voluntary benefits
Voluntary benefits have become all the rage because they are seen as a low-cost way of improving morale and raising appreciation of the benefits package. But just how effective are voluntary benefits? The latest issue of Employee Benefits magazine looks at the pros and cons.
Here's how Employee Benefits defines voluntary benefits: A scheme set up by the employer with other organisations or through a provider, which the employee can join on a voluntary basis. The employee pays for the benefits on preferential terms which have been negotiated by the employer.
What you'll find in the Employee Benefits article
Among the issues examined in this three-page buyers guide are the following:
origins of the product
business benefits
main providers
sources of information and advice
costs involved
tax and legal issues
Want to know more?
Title: Buyer's guide to voluntary benefits , Employee Benefits, July 2000.
Availability: call Employee Benefits in London, tel: 020 7970 4000 or email