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IDS publishes new report on call centres
The third annual IDS survey on pay and conditions in call centres is the biggest yet. Independent pay analysts Incomes Data Services in London surveyed 102 companies, employing around 53,000 staff in over 150 centres.
Besides a wealth of information on pay and conditions, there are case studies on a number of leading companies, including:
Thomas Cook, the travel company
Egg, part of Prudential banking
7C, the outsourcer
Liverpool City Council.
Summary findings of the research are published in IDS Report 793.
Want to know more?
Title: Pay and conditions in call centres 1999.
Price: £ 112 (£ 82 to subscribers of IDS Report).
Availability: Incomes Data Services, tel: 0171 250 3434.
To find out more, the IDS web site is one click away www.incomesdata.co.uk/report/callcent.htm