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The number of HR jobs advertised by Reed Human Resources increased by 5% in 2017 and the salaries offered to HR professionals grew by 2.6% since the end of 2016, higher than the national average rise of 2.3% last year, the recruitment firm suggests. The salaries for learning and development managers rose by 7%, those for recruitment co-ordinators by 6% and for HR project managers by 5%.
HR workers in London have experienced the greatest overall salary increase, at 4.2%, followed by those in the north west of England at 3.1%, Reed finds.
Chris Adcock, the firm’s Divisional Director, said:
‘Staff turnover costs companies £4.13 billion each year, so companies want to recruit the best HR talent to help cut these costs. As a result, hiring managers are asking their boards to commit more money towards the recruitment of new staff, and that is reflected in the advertised salaries.’
He adds that HR professionals in the future will need to demonstrate a strong understanding of how new technology such as robotics can help streamline people management processes.