Government accepts pay review body recommendations


Government accepts pay review body recommendations

The government has today accepted the recommendations of pay review bodies for public sector pay awards for 2012-13. In line with the announcement made in the June Budget 2010, public sector workers covered by the review bodies earning over a full-time equivalent of £21,000 will have their pay frozen. Those earning £21,000 or less will receive a pay increase of £250.

In his the Spending Review 2010, George Osborne forecast the pay freeze would save £3.3 billion a year by 2014-15.


Key details

  • The review bodies made recommendations on uplifts for prison officers, the armed forces and NHS Agenda for Change staff earning £21,000 or less, which the government has accepted.

  • Review bodies for judges, the senior civil service, the senior military, NHS Very Senior Managers and doctors and dentists did not make recommendations, as their workforces earn above £21,000 and are subject to a pay freeze.

  • The Teachers Pay Review Body made recommendations for the full two-year pay freeze last year.

  • The majority of civil servants will remain in the pay freeze for the coming year. However, those departments who had not already agreed a legally binding pay deal entered the pay freeze a year early in 2010-11 and will therefore exit it ahead of other groups. Their settlements for 2012-13 will be in line with the 1% average pay increase set out by the Chancellor in his Autumn Statement 2011.

  • Today’s announcement does not include police and local government workforces, who are not covered by review bodies.

  • Police officer pay is determined by the Police Negotiating Board and the Home Secretary.

  • Local government workers’ pay remains a matter for local authorities and the National Joint Council.