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Cyber security professionals in Germany have median base salaries on average 17% higher than those in the UK, according to data from Willis Towers Watson. For example, the median base salary for a mid-level cyber security professional in Germany is £56,485 a year, compared with £48,020 in the UK and £36,082 in Spain. The UK ranks fifth in the European league table, partly as a result of the weakness in the pound, Willis Towers Watson suggests.
Its UK Cyber Strategy Leader, Tim Rees, said:
‘The results show that businesses are recognising the value of cyber security professionals and galvanising an increasingly competitive European job market. While Germany currently leads European pay, the increasing frequency of cyber-attacks and incoming regulations such as GDPR will boost demand for cyber security professionals and drive salaries across the region.’
Cyber security typically attracts a younger workforce; entrants to mid-level professional and managerial jobs are consistently younger than the UK national average for comparable positions. They also have fewer years’ experience in the industry than comparable roles in other industries, suggesting faster progress than the UK national average.