Geneva costs business travellers $706 a day – ECA International

Geneva is the most expensive location in Europe for business travel, according to research from expatriate research consultant, ECA International. According to the firm’s latest daily rates research, the cost of a typical business trip to Geneva, excluding travel to and from the city, is $706 a day.

Central London is the third most expensive city in which to do business in Europe, down from second place in 2016. This is in spite of the fall in Sterling since the Brexit vote last June, prompting Simon Franklin, daily rates manager at ECA, to comment:

‘Over the last year, the cost of a typical business trip in central London has fallen by around 13% in USD terms, with the fall in the value of the pound against the US dollar contributing to this. However, in local terms, central London has actually become more expensive over the last 12 months with four-star hotels, meals and transport costs increasing, which is bad news for UK nationals travelling to the capital.’
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