Equal pay audit uncovers worrying differences


Equal pay audit uncovers worrying differences

Organisations that have carried out an equal pay audit are few and far between. All too many are uneasy — some deeply so — about what might emerge from a detailed investigation of their pay policies and practices. The latest edition of People Management looks at one organisation that has undertaken such a pay review.

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, which distributes government funding for scientific studies, agreed to conduct a pay audit as part of its 1998 wage settlement. Management and unions at the BBSRC were all too aware that there was a gap between the average salaries of men and women in the same pay band.

The audit uncovered some worrying differences in average salaries between male and female staff, says the Council’ s equal opportunities manager.

Want to know more?

Title: Distaff development , by Sue Milsome, People Management, 9 August 2001.

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