Employers keen to enhance maternity and paternity rights


Employers keen to enhance maternity and paternity rights

New research on maternity and paternity leave and pay from Incomes Data Services shows that even with relatively generous statutory provisions, many organisations are choosing to go further as part of a broader offering of family-friendly policies.

Over the past decade, the Labour government has dramatically improved maternity rights and introduced paternity rights. The Work and Families Act 2006, for example, has extended paid maternity leave to 39 weeks, with a planned extension to a year before the end of this Parliament.


Carried out in June and July of this year, the IDS survey shows that of the 115 respondents across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, almost three-quarters (74%) enhance maternity pay and of those, the majority also enhance paternity pay.

However, employers are also keen to encourage mothers back to work - at least half stipulate that some or all pay above statutory maternity pay is repayable if an employee does not return to work after maternity leave.

The survey provides detailed analysis of the different ways employers have enhanced their maternity and paternity provisions and examines other aspects of maternity rights, including arrangements for keeping-in-touch days and breastfeeding at work.

Want to know more?

Availability: A report of the full findings will be published in the forthcoming issue of IDS Diversity at Work (issue no.53) and IDS Pay Report (no.1011).

To order your copy of the report call IDS customer services, tel: 0845 600 9355 or email: sweetandmaxwell.customerservices@thomson.com

Incomes Data Services is the “leading UK information and research service” on employment issues, providing a range of publications for employers, trade unions, government departments and other agencies. To find out more visit www.incomesdata.co.uk.