Draft agreement on new pay and grade structure at University of Bristol
The University of Bristol has been working in partnership with the local trades unions to devise a new, single pay and grade structure covering all staff.
On 16 February 2007 the University and trades unions concluded negotiations on a new grade structure and related issues. A draft agreement has now been reached, and the trades unions will be taking the offer out to their membership over the coming weeks.
In February 2006, the University proposed such a structure but trade union members did not find it acceptable. They were primarily concerned about the job evaluation data on which the proposal was based and asked the University to go back over it.
The University agreed to do so. In December 2006, after a lot of work by all concerned to make sure the job evaluation process was producing reliable results, the University and the unions discussed a substantially revised proposal.
If the revised pay and grade structure is accepted, it would represent the second phase in the implementation of the National Framework Agreement.
The first phase was implemented on 1 August 2006 and comprised:
The stated aim of the proposed agreement is to:
Want to know more?
You can download details of the draft agreement from the University of Bristol web site at