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Demand for talent still outstrips supply in many areas, despite innovations in talent acquisition, growing global labour mobility and the world sourcing of talent, according to data from the 2016 Mercer Global Talent Trends Survey. The survey asks over 1,730 employers and 4,300 employees about what matters to them in the workplace and how organisations are responding to the changing talent landscape.
Rising competition from emerging markets for key talent is also having an impact and compounding the recruitment challenge organisations face. Economic growth and a shrinking working age population across most areas of the world are also contributing to the problem. However, employers’ ability to respond and, in particular to do so by leveraging their diverse workforce, is limited. The study shows that this area still does not command sufficient focus.
Employees have more options about where, when and how they work than ever before and are demanding a new value proposition at work that provides greater career support and flexibility in building their skills portfolio, it finds.