CIPD issues guidance on total reward


CIPD issues guidance on total reward

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has published an updated factsheet on total reward.

The factsheet gives introductory guidance. It:

  • introduces the idea and components of total reward

  • considers the perceived problems of a total reward scheme

  • gives the CIPD viewpoint.


CIPD comment

“CIPD takes the view that total reward is a developing management practice that is fairly simple to understand but very complex in operation because it has wide reaching implications for approaches to reward management and for cultural change in organisations. It is an exciting leading edge concept that focuses on employee empowerment rather than employer command management. Total reward has the possibility of being a very powerful management tool and change catalyst.”

Want to know more?

Title: Factsheet: Total reward, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, revised June 2009.

Availability: To download the factsheet, free of charge, go to

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has more than 130,000 members and is the “leading professional institute for those involved in the management and development of people”. To find out more visit