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PAY DATA Benchmarking your benefits More than ever, remuneration specialists depend on access to high-quality, accurate pay and benefits data. Competitive pay levels and structures can only be developed if the external market is systematically monitored. A recent issue of Employee Benefits magazine investigates some of the benchmarking databases available to UK employers. This two-page article highlights the range of consulting firms and research organisations that provide pay and benefits databases. Want to know more? Title: Just checking , by Neil Merrick, Employee Benefits, December 2001. Availability: Contact Employee Benefits subscriptions department in London, tel: 020 7970 4000 or email employee-benefits@centaur.co.uk. To read the full article online visit the magazine’ s web site at www.employeebenefits.co.uk. Registered users (it's free to register) can click on Archive of articles and then select Benefits Strategy . The online version is entitled Benchmarking your benefits package , and is dated December 2001.
Posted 21 January 2002 |