A step-by-step guide to managing change


A step-by-step guide to managing change

Huge amounts of time and energy are spent devising and implementing new reward systems. Yet basic - sometimes ghastly - mistakes in managing change can mean large amounts of money are squandered each year. A recent edition of People Management magazine looks at the key steps HR professionals can take to help people through the change process.

Change guidelines

Bill Lucas, the author of the report, reckons there are five golden rules that should be remembered when dealing with transition. They might seem like obvious common sense, but managers do not always follow them.

  • Build on the past to allow people to make connections with developments that have already taken place in the organisation.
  • Fully inform people and acknowledge the tough issues openly.
  • Engage people in finding solutions to ensure that information is shared and encourage creative responses.
  • Provide a clear vision of possible routes through the issues facing the organisation.
  • Act quickly once you have decided on your course of action.

A final word

"Change is endemic in today's workplaces, and the key to surviving is to acknowledge and deal with the feelings it raises." - Bill Lucas, People Management, 12 September 2002.

Want to know more?

Title: "How to deal with feelings during change", by Bill Lucas, People Management, 12 September 2002.

Availability: Contact the People Management subscriptions department, tel: 01795 414864 or jump to PM online . . . www.peoplemanagement.co.uk

Posted 17 September 2002